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#MyRunStory – Courtney Leiren

#MyRunStory – Courtney Leiren

Kintec Abbotsford Running Clinic Leader, Courtney LeirenHere’s a #MyRunStory submission from Courtney Leiren, our Abbotsford run clinic instructor!

I started running in April 2010 with the goal of running the Vancouver Sun Run the following year. During my training, I found out about the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Las Vegas in December 2010. I had to try it!

I changed my training to be able to run the half. In December I completed my very first half marathon. Since then, I have not looked back!

In total, I have completed numerous half marathons all over North America, four marathons, one 30K trail race (on a whim) and many 5k and 10K races. For many half marathons and a couple of 10Ks, I have also been the pace bunny.

I have led a number of half marathon clinics, and I enjoy helping others find the joy of running and reaching their goals.

This year, I look forward to running with you!

Courtney Leiren,
Kintec’s Abbotsford Run Clinic Instructor


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