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#MyRunStory – Christi Goncalves, Maple Ridge Run Clinic Leader

#MyRunStory – Christi Goncalves, Maple Ridge Run Clinic Leader

Christi with her son, Andrew.

At the end of 2013, one idea popped into my head: I was going to start running.

Now, keep in mind, I have never been athletic. A sport for me as a kid was bowling – not that there is anything wrong with bowling, it’s just not very aerobic. I was always the kid that was at the back of the class sucking wind because I couldn’t even run 200 metres.

Growing up, I was always told there was nothing to worry about because, well, I just wasn’t built to run.

I wasn’t really taking care of myself, even with a health scare landing me in the hospital and a doctor instructing that I needed to exercise more days of the week than not.

After about 38 years of this, I decided it was time to start running. Furthermore, I was going to make my son run with me, too.


I found some running shoes that were on sale and off we went with a New Years Resolution to become more active!


Christi and her husband at the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series

Getting Started With the Maple Ridge Run Clinic

At first, it went well – until the shin splints started. But I kept trying.

A friend found out I was trying to start running about a month later. They talked up the running group they were apart of through the Maple Ridge Kintec store. It took some careful consideration, but I decided to sign myself up for the spring run clinic.

I started the clinic a little nervous, but my friend kept telling me the program worked – I just needed to make sure I followed it and did my homework. Needless to say, he was right! With the support of all the run leaders and fellow runners, I made it to the 5K finish line – and I was ready for more!

From this point, my running career took off. I signed myself up for a 10K run even before signing up for the 10K run clinic.


Christi Goncalves, the Maple Rdige Run Clinic leader.

Leading the Run Clinics

Since then, I’ve run in four 10K run clinics before becoming one of the volunteers to work with new runners. My medal rack hanging on the door is a testament to the program and that it works.

I’ve run 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons (my first one was on my fortieth birthday!), a 30K, and believe it or not, a full marathon. None of this would have been possible without all the wonderful volunteers at the run clinics.

Now, I have the pleasure of leading run clinics at the store that started it all for me.


Running has changed my life and the life of my family

For that, I’m very thankful. It’s time for me to pay it forward and help others find their running passion.

Christi with her running partner, Jim.

Christi with her running partner, Jim.

Christi Goncalves
Maple Ridge Run Clinic Instructor

Kintec run clinics help you get onto the path to a more active lifestyle. See which run clinics are still available near you!

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