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What cross-training exercises have done for my health

What cross-training exercises have done for my health

I have always strived to be healthy and active throughout my life, but I knew that I could always do more. I knew I needed to make a change to improve my health and get more active. This is when I decided to include more cross-training exercises into my routine of fitness.

"I knew I needed to make a change to improve my health and get more active. This is when I decided to include more cross-training exercises into my routine of fitness."

My normal routine of fitness would be a mixture of running, hiking, and basketball – with the on-and-off again visits at the gym. To help with the latter, I decided to sign up for monthly group fitness classes. This changed everything for me.

I became more accountable through this format and I was going consistently 2 times per week while keeping up with the other activities. As my body accepted this newly found routine it then started to show the benefits.

The Benefits of Cross-Training Exercises

Each workout helped me become stronger. I was getting less fatigued and moving faster with my running on road and trail as well as feeling more agile and quicker with basketball. I was also feeling less knee related pain in both activities. Carrying my kid on my back with hikes was also becoming easier than before.

I noticed increased muscle tone in my body. My wife commented the same. This is always good for the self-confidence.

Throughout the day, I have more energy. By the time I get home,  I still have a lot of energy left at the end of the day to play with the kids.

We go on bike rides, walks, hikes, and general playing around the yard or park. I feel like I can keep up with them on the playgrounds more than before.

Improved cholesterol levels! This is something that I have been monitoring with my doctors due to family history and at one point this was not very good. I’m happy to say that I have increased the good cholesterol levels while decreasing the bad cholesterol levels.

It’s been 18 months since I started incorporating these group fitness classes and I have no regrets.

With two very active small kids and a new baby (who no doubt will also be active), I want to maintain my fitness level and enjoy this amazing quality time I get to spend with them.

I challenge you all to audit your life and fitness levels and get out there and make a change. Thanks for reading. I appreciate it.


Ermin Pagtakhan
Kintec Pedorthist

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