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Vancouver Giants

Vancouver Giants

Kintec is an industry leader in custom foot orthotics, professionally fitted footwear, and sports medicine products. Commonly overlooked in the world of foot orthotics is the role they play in athletic performance to assist recreational to high level athletes perform their best within their sport.

Four years ago, Kintec was given the opportunity to work closely with the athletes as well as coaching and training staff of Vancouver Giants hockey club. Our mandate is to reduce the risk of foot related injuries and help improve their skating performance. Each year we send a Kintec Pedorthist and Fitting Expert to the Vancouver Giants training camp to screen all their athletes. During this process, our team performs a gait analysis with each player to determine if they would benefit from custom orthotics. We also ensure that the players are wearing the appropriate footwear during their off-ice training and recovery times.


Skate Orthotics

Through our experience working with the Vancouver Giants, we have developed skate orthotics designed to improve performance by reducing fatigue, improving contact and energy transfer.

When you push off the ice without a custom orthotic in your skate, your arch flattens and your foot rolls inwards until it contacts completely with the inside of the skate. Only at this point does the energy from your push-off transfer from your legs, to the skate, and then to the ice.skating

A custom orthotic eliminates that extraneous movement of the arch. When you push off during your stride, your arch is already in full contact with the orthotic so the energy from your legs is immediately transferred through the orthotic into the skate and then into the ice. The same thing happens with cornering, stopping, and any other manoeuvre.

At Kintec, we believe that properly fitted footwear and orthotics help improve the Giant’s performance on the ice and reduce injury over the long term. In addition to skate orthotics, we also offer a variety of other sports-oriented orthotics such golf, running, tennis, skiing and more.

To learn more about custom orthotics, stop by one of our Kintec locations.

  • Darren Peterson

    February 1, 2023 at 11:04 am Reply

    Hello, I live in the Vancouver area and would like to meet with and discuss the benefits/ suitability of having custom orthotics in my hockey skates. Rather than visit any Kintec location, I’m wondering if you can forward me the name and location of someone who has been directly involved in custom skate orthotics as per the article above?

    • Sarah - Customer Service

      February 6, 2023 at 9:21 am Reply

      Hi Darren,

      I’ve noted your question and have reached out to our Pedorthists to get a list of those who are experienced in skate orthotics. I’ll email you with their contact information once I get a response.

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