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Scotia Bank Half Marathon

Scotia Bank Half Marathon

An awesome day for the Scotia Bank half which starts at UBC and finishes in Stanley park.  It is a beautiful route with the snow-capped North Shore Mountains and Pacific Ocean as a back drop especially on a day like this.

Almost 5,000 runners in perfect conditions – 12c and hardly any wind.  Lots of entertainers along the route too which was fun, along with lots of spectators which is always great.  Thanks to everyone who goes out and cheers people who run these races – it is very much appreciated.

I decided I would go out at a fairly sensible pace and pick it up if I felt good rather than the usual strategy of going out a little harder and holding on (not been working too well of late).  This certainly worked really well as I enjoyed the whole race.  I got to 10k in 41.15 which was great although well aware that this section of the course had a pretty good downhill section so it was expected to run it in a fairly quick pace.

Unfortunately (on no, here she comes with another excuse!), some GI issues had me “nipping into the bush” shortly after 10k – not good.  I had to stop another 3 times (they were pretty quick but necessary stops) but still managed to finish in a time of 1.30.21 which I was actually pretty happy with.  Finishing 31st out of 2381 women and 121st overall.

The running felt great though – I like the ups and downs on this course, particularly the downs (yes, who wouldn’t) and I actually enjoyed the race for the most part.  I love the course – especially running down towards Spanish Banks with the ocean and the Mountains reminding me just how beautiful my city is. Even the uphill run over Burrard Bridge at 18k was okay and knowing once you’re at the crest it’s pretty much all downhill/flat from there.

I’ve always said the half is my favourite race and yesterday confirmed this.  I now just need to find another one to race and get that time down.

Thanks to Kintec, New Balance and Smartwool and to the Scotia Bank race organisers for my complimentary entry to a great, fun race.

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