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Running for a Cure

Running for a Cure

CIBC Run for the Cure – Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – 5k, Sunday 30 Sep.

Just a little 5k for me, but for some people can be a very long way if it is their first race so hats off to everyone who took part. I’ve now been injured for over 2 months with a knee issue and had only attempted running a week before the race. I started with 10 mins on the treadmill (slightly softer surface) building up to 20 mins over the course of the week. I’d already entered the run as part of a fundraising event with work so I figured I could always walk/run if I needed to.

It was a beautiful day for it and as I knew there would be mainly fun runners I figured I would start at the front. I totally planned to run around 4.45mins per k, maybe even 5 but as I set off at what I felt was a fairly easy pace, I was more than slightly surprised to see my first k at 4.10. But I felt good so just kept running. I passed a couple of other females and one of the spectators shouted out, “you’re 1st lady” and at 2k I was joined by a bike for the leading female. This was surprising as it was more of a fun run and not even chip timed but hey, I’ve never had the pleasure of a lead bike so let’s make the most of it. The guy was great giving me hints about what was up ahead and giving me encouragement. I promised myself if my knee started to hurt I would slow down but although a little achy it seemed fine. So I continued to run as best as I could without pushing too much (race brain, 1st female was switched on though). I confess to having a little peek behind me but only on the final 200m – fortunately no one too close. So, I was the first female and ran a very respectable time of 21.14 and was pretty happy about that.
Whilst I haven’t been running for 2 months I have been doing the Grouse Grind weekly, rollerblading and cycling so all of that cross-training is obviously keeping me reasonably fit. Unfortunately, it seems 5k is about as much as my knee can manage right now so I will keep up with the cross training and the odd short run until I am fully fit again.

Shame, as I had entered the Sacramento Marathon but that is totally out of the window. In typical runner fashion, I will say “there is always next year” and keep smiling

Thanks as always to Kintec and all of our great sponsors

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