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Vancouver Rock’n’Roll Race Report

Vancouver Rock’n’Roll Race Report

When I heard Rock’n’Roll half marathon was coming to Vancouver, I thought it would be a really a great new race to try.  I initially wanted to sign up for the 21km, however, with my Ironman training my running mileage has significantly decreased. In the end, I decided to run the 10km.  The 10k is the old James Cunningham Seawall Race. A race I never had the opportunity to run.  Historically, this race was always known for its costumes, so I decided that I might as well run it in a costume too.

The fun part was choosing my costume. It had to be a runnable costume, so what to wear?  I’ve always been a Wonder Woman fan (since I was a child) so this seemed like a great idea.  I set to work making a costume I could run in. My pre-race day was a little different for this race – costume making!

On race day, I arrived at the start with only 10 mins to spare. In addition to wearing a costume, this left me very little time to check my bag, use the washroom and do a quick double check to make sure there would be no wardrobe malfunctions during the race. (Note to self, leave way more time to get ready and arrive at the start if running in a costume – not good for the pre-race jitters)

Unlike the previous days, the weather gods smiled down on us that Sunday morning. It was dry and sunny – perfect running conditions.  The course started on pipeline road, heading downhill towards the Seawall (unlike the half where you have to run upwards).  Although I didn’t go out super fast,  I still slowed a little after 4k and finished in a respectable 41.25 for 5th female and 1st master.  All of the faster, more competitive runners were racing the half!  I certainly felt the lack of speed work and mileage in my training certainly made a difference.If you do want a fast 10k you really need to do some interval training on a weekly basis.

Time aside, it was great to have made the effort to have dressed up and get lots of shouts and cheers from the many Rock’n’Roll volunteers and spectators.  Most importantly, I had fun, which I have learned over the last few years is as important as chasing those faster times.  I’d certainly recommend the 10k –  it is a pretty fast course and certainly always a pleasure to run on the Seawall.  Such a beautiful time of year to run, with awesome colours and perfect running temperatures.

Thanks as always to Kintec and New Balance for the speedy 1400s.

Janette Purdham 
Kintec Race Team Member

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