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Marathon Weekend in Victoria

Marathon Weekend in Victoria

One of my favourite running weekends of the year on the Thanksgiving weekend.  With 3 races to choose from, the 8k, half and full, there is always a great turnout from my running club which makes for a great weekend of racing, spectating and generally having fun!

I’ve actually now completed all 3 events and this is my 4th year so I did the half again.  It is such a beautiful course as you run through the park and out onto the road alongside the ocean.  I’ve been totally lucky with the weather, as every year it’s been bright and sunny.  A little chilly at the 7.30am start but this year with no wind (super windy last year), the conditions were perfect.

It’s an undulating course but no major hills which is nice.  I started well with my first few k splits right on target for a sub 1.30 half.  I was a little off at half way but only about 30 seconds so it was still possible.  It’s actually a really great course in that although it’s out and back, the turn around point is at about 14k so psychologically that’s kinda nice.  However, I knew I was slowing and decided just to enjoy the race and the beautiful scenery.  Finishing at 1.33.20 – way off my best time and goal but that’s okay – sometimes that’s just how it goes.

There’s lots of spectators out on the course and always a great crowd for the finishing straight along by the harbour.   It was great to see Marilyn Arsenault back from illness and injury to win the masters division in an amazing time of 1.18.01 (in my dreams!).  Lots of great results from runners in my club too.

Then, plenty of time for a shower and breakfast before watching the marathoners finish their race.  I love the fact that you can race and still watch the marathon too and it was great to be able to cheer on lots of club mates in this very tough distance.

Going to take a little break from racing until my times in training improve so hopefully I will come back stronger. However, I will be taking part in the Whistler 50 relay in Nov as I love being part of a team event so looking forward to that one

Thanks as always to Kintec and New Balance and my coach, John Hill and the Vancouver Falcons

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