A Busy Person’s Guide to Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury to the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a broad ligament on the base of your foot which extends from your heel to the base of your toes.
Unfortunately, plantar fasciitis is not a quick and easy issue to resolve; instead, it can require months of dedication to a prescribed treatment plan. Here are some plantar fasciitis home remedies available to anyone going through this condition.
Quick Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedies

Foot Rolling
If you feel pain at the bottom of your heel when you first get up in the morning or towards the end of the day, then you might have plantar fasciitis. When you have a busy schedule, you may find yourself looking for plantar fasciitis home remedies.
This will help to break up the adhesions that have formed from continuous tearing along the plantar fascia.
30 seconds per foot
One to two times per day
Massage Ball or golf ball

Calf Stretching
Tight calf muscles can add additional stress on the plantar fascia by prematurely lifting the heel. Therefore, regular stretching of the two primary calf muscles: gastrocnemius and soleus can help to relieve tension and pain associated with plantar fasciitis.
It is easy to incorporate these stretches into daily tasks such as brushing your teeth, waiting for the bus or standing in line.
READ MORE: How To Stretch & Strengthen Calves
30-to-60 seconds for each muscle (per leg, 4 minutes total)
Stretch 3 – 5 times per day
A wall, curb or any place that provides a 90-degree angle

Foot & Toe Stretches
Here are three exercises you can do to stretch the plantar fascia while either working at your desk or watching TV.
1. Ankle rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
2. Point toes to your nose, relax and repeat.
3. Pull toes back with one hand while massaging through the arch with the other hand.
Spend 10 – 30 seconds on each stretch per foot (3 minutes total)
At least 3 – 5 times per day
For more stretches, download our FREE Guide to Plantar Fasciitis Recovery

A frozen water bottle or reusable gel ice pack is a great way to relieve pain at the end of a long day on your feet.
Pro-Tip: Keep a few frozen water bottles handy to use after an activity or work. While sitting on the couch, at your desk or eating a meal at the table, soothe your foot by applying ice under the arch with a frozen water bottle. Gel ice packs can also be used by wrapping it around your foot with a tensor bandage for about 5 – 10 minutes.
Remember when using an ice pack, to always protect your skin with a layer of clothing or dish towel to prevent an ice burn.

Home Footwear
Using supportive sandals with arch support and thick sole (Birkenstocks, Sole Sandals, and Montrail Sandals) around the house is a great way for busy people to obtain relief from plantar fasciitis pain and prevent further deterioration. For anyone who is busy, these are great plantar fasciitis home remedies.
Pro-Tip: Supportive home footwear should be the first thing you put on in the morning and the last thing you take off before bed. Remember to take your supportive home footwear with you on extended visits or trips.

Custom Orthotics/Over-The-Counter Insoles
For many, custom orthotics or OTC insoles can be helpful plantar fasciitis home remedies. It is perfect for busy individuals because all you need to do is put them in your shoes and carry on with your day.
Remember that consistency is key when it comes to orthotics or insoles: the more you wear them, the more effective they will be.
Pro-Tip: If switching orthotics or insoles between shoes is an inconvenience, then consider investing in multiple pairs. The same tip applies if you tend to forget to move between shoes.
They only help and support your feet while you are using them. Just like how wearing eyeglasses support your vision only when wearing your glasses.

Over-The-Counter Anti-Inflammatory Cream
Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory cream can be an effective way to temporarily relieve muscle pain.
Although this is not a permanent solution, it can be soothing to apply to an inflamed area such as your arch and heel if you suffer from plantar fasciitis.
Pro-Tip: Keep a bottle of over-the-counter joint and muscle cream at work, at home, in your car, or anywhere you are regularly. This makes it easy to use as needed. There are also brands with an application stick to keep your hands free of mess.

Night Splints
Night splints are another passive form of plantar fasciitis home remedies for busy people. The best part is that you can do while you are sleeping. The perfect solution for people constantly on the go!
The first time you wear it to bed put it on and try your best to fall asleep. If it wakes you up in the middle of the night, just remove it and fall back asleep. Repeat this every night and you will gradually build a higher tolerance for the splint.
Even if despite all your efforts you can’t sleep with a night splint, by even wearing it for a few hours, you still get the benefit of extra stretching that you wouldn’t otherwise have.
Pro-Tip: To get used to wearing a night splint, try wearing it for 30 – 60 minutes at a time at home while relaxing in front of the T.V. or reading a book.
Talk To A Specialist About Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedies
While trying out plantar fasciitis home remedies, it’s always best to check with a foot care specialist. They can help guide you towards different treatment options.
Pedorthists at Kintec can answer your questions and help you recover. Book an appointment today!
Ermin Pagtakhan
Director Of Store Operations
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