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10k and a BBQ

10k and a BBQ

The Longest Day 5k and 10k – June 17th

Pretty rare to have an evening race but I really like this one organised by Graham Fell and sponsored by the North Shore Credit Union.  The 5k Runs a loop around UBC starting at Thunderbird Arena  with the 10k doing 2 laps of the 5k course.

The majority of the competitive runners race the 5k as it is part of the lower mainland series so it was great to see lots of my friends and club members start and finish the race before getting ready to start the 10k.  As well as being inspired to see them finishing so strongly in some great times.

So, for some reason I was pretty excited, if a little nervous to start the race which is a great feeling.  I totally wasn’t sure how this one was going to go as I’d developed a pretty bad cold on Monday and was still suffering a little (typical runner – always giving the excuses before the race even starts!).

I knew the first k was downhill so should be about 10 seconds faster than pace but as often happens on the downhill starts my legs got carried away and I was way too fast.  Always feels great but the watch never lies and you know you’ll suffer later.

However, I slowed down over the uphill 2nd k and was back on track by the end of 2k.  Started to struggle a little before the end of 5k (yes, perhaps a little early to be “feeling it” in a 10k race).  Not quite so fast on the downhill 5-6k this time but nice to have a bit of time to recover.  I think, Susan (who won the masters race) passed me somewhere between 6 and 7k and much as I tried I just couldn’t hang onto her.

So, finished it in 41.41 – a pretty respectable time although not as fast as I hoped for (is it ever??), 5th female and 2nd master. Nice to win a prize again – a $30 voucher for a running store is always going to be welcome.

There is always the Post Race Party which makes this a really nice event that lots of people always turn up to.  There’s music, hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, fruits, veggies, yogurt, ice cream, fruit, pies, juice & other goodies.  The usual sunshine (well for at least the last 3 years), great atmosphere and abundance of lovely food and lots of people make this another event I always love to take part in.  You soon forget how hard the race is once you’ve finished!

Thanks as always to Kintec, New Balance, Smartwool and the race organisers for putting on a great event.

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