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Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy

Kintec Footlabs is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. We have adopted this privacy policy to explain what information we collect about you and how this information may be used.

Privacy Legislation

As Kintec Footlabs interacts with customers across Canada it is regulated under the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, (“PIPEDA”), as well as the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) for its business interactions in British Columbia.

Application of this Privacy Code

This privacy policy applies only to identifiable individuals whose personal information Kintec Footlabs collects, uses, retains and discloses in the course of commercial activities.   

Under PIPEDA, personal information includes any factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual. This includes information in any form, such as:

  • age, name, ID numbers, income, ethnic origin, or blood type;
  • medical condition, treatment history and exam findings.

These terms do not include information that does not identify particular individuals, like aggregate statistics or anonymous data.

This privacy policy applies to all aspects of Kintec Footlabs’s management of personal information, including collection, use, retention and disclosure.

Note that periodically we change our company’s privacy policy, and any revisions will be posted on an updated version of this document. It is important that our clients know what information Kintec collects, how we might use that information, and whether we will disclose it to anyone.


Kintec Footlabs is responsible for all personal information under its control and our privacy office oversees our organization’s privacy compliance. Where appropriate, we implement privacy policies and procedures to properly enforce the principles in this privacy policy.

Identifying our Purposes for Collection

Kintec Footlabs collects, uses and discloses personal information to provide for appropriate treatment and/or services to our clients. Specifically, Kintec Footlabs collects, uses, retains and discloses information, only where reasonably required, about individuals for the following purposes:

  • to enable us to establish and maintain a relationship with our clients;
  • to provide our clients with services or products;
  • to enable us to liaise with third party vendors in order to provide our clients with services or products;
  • for internal review, analysis or reference purposes, such as staff training or internal research projects;
  • to maintain adequate accounting and tax records, to assess the quality and quantity of our performance, and (where permitted by law) to have personal information in a form that we can disclose to a third party that wishes to purchase our business in whole or in part;
  • to detect and prevent fraud, and to safeguard the interests of our clients and Kintec Footlabs; and
  • to meet legal and regulatory requirements.


Customer Consent

Kintec Footlabs collects, uses, retains, and discloses information, as reasonably necessary for the purposes identified to individuals with their consent. In obtaining consent, whether express or implied, we will advise individuals as to the purposes for which the information will be used.

Kintec Footlabs may depart from the general consent principle only in accordance with the limited exceptions set forth in applicable laws such as PIPEDA (for instance, we may disclose personal information in an emergency to protect human life or safety).

If individuals wish to give specific directions that expand, narrow or withdraw authorization to our collection, use or disclosure of their information, we, in most cases, will be able to honour the request. There may be situations, however, in which overriding legal requirements will prevent us from doing so, and may require that we decline or withdraw from contracting these individuals.

Types of Consent

There are different ways the business can obtain consent.

Express consent signifies that an individual, knowing what personal information is being collected and for what purposes, willingly agrees to his or her personal information being collected, used and disclosed as notified. Express consent can be given in writing or verbally. Kintec seeks to express consent prior to a clinical assessment.

Deemed consent happens when someone doesn’t expressly give consent but volunteers information for an obvious purpose that a reasonable person would think is appropriate under the circumstances. Our clinicians contacting clients to follow-up on the effectiveness of their treatment plan is an example of deemed consent. By using our websites, clients are consenting to the collection and use of personal information by us for the purposes set out in our privacy policy.

Consent by not declining consent occurs when an organization gives notice to an individual that it intends to collect, use and disclose the individual’s personal information for a specific purpose, and gives the individual a reasonable amount of time to decline (opt-out) to have his or her personal information collected, used or disclosed. If the individual does not opt out, he or she has provided consent for the organization to collect, use or disclose personal information for the specified purpose(s).

Opting Out of Receiving Direct Marketing

We may inform our clients about products or services in person, over the telephone, by mail, by e-mail, or through the internet. If a client does not wish to receive direct marketing they may simply contact us at the address below to opt out of receiving this information.

Limiting Collection

Kintec Footlabs will only collect the personal information that is necessary for the purposes identified. All collections of personal information shall be by fair and lawful means.

Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention of Personal Information
Kintec Footlabs does not disclose information for purposes other than those purposes for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required or permitted by law. For example, Kintec Footlabs may disclose an individual’s personal information when:

  • when we have an individual’s consent, whether express or deemed;
  • to third parties engaged by Kintec Footlabs to perform services on our behalf and whom we can reasonably trust to respect privacy;
  • if and when we are involved in a corporate reorganization or we sell or lease all or part of our business; or
  • when we are required by law to do so, or when we need to disclose the information to protect our interests in the context of a legal or administrative proceeding.   

In such circumstances, we will not disclose more information than is required. We will also, whenever it is reasonable and practicable to do so, obtain confidentiality agreements or other credible assurances from third parties with whom we disclose information.   

Kintec Footlabs will retain information as required by law, or for a period of time that is reasonably necessary for the purposes identified above.

Accuracy of Information

It is important to Kintec Footlabs that the personal information we collect is as accurate, complete and up-to-date as appropriate. If an individual finds any errors in their information, we encourage them to contact us so that we can make any necessary changes or take any necessary actions.

Safeguards and Protection of Information

Kintec Footlabs takes reasonable measures to ensure that personal information is protected with the appropriate physical, organizational and electronic security measures with respect to both our offices and information storage facilities to prevent any unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. All safety and security measures employed by Kintec Footlabs are appropriate to the sensitivity level of the personal information. The steps taken by Kintec Footlabs to ensure information is protected include:

  • Password protection of confidential electronic files, information limited to clinic managers.
  • Locking file cabinets to protect client information
  • All Personal Information transmitted on our websites use 128-bit secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption, meaning that all of the information you provide on our websites are changed into a code that is extremely difficult to decipher to anyone trying to breach our website database
  • We employ the following layers of protection for our website, administrative back-end, and KIWI clinic management software:
    • Isolated access to system resources
    • Firewall rulesets to limit access
    • The KIWI systems are plugged into extensive error reporting. This will ensure threats are identified and blocked
    • Cloudfare, DNS and HTTP proxy. This helps obscure the origin of domain traffic
    • Hashing of binary signatures (tripwire IDS)
    • Our websites may contain links to other third-party websites. We are not responsible for the practices or the content of these websites, and we recommend that you check the privacy and security safeguards of these third-party companies before providing your personal information.

Note that when you come to our website through a link we may share your personal information with the website from which you came to facilitate how we provide you goods and services.

Openness and Access to Information

Individuals should forward any questions or concerns they may have about our privacy policies and procedures to our privacy office.

An individual may access their personal information we have in our custody or control. If an individual wishes to access such information, please contact our privacy office. We will advise an individual in advance if there is a minimal charge required by Kintec Footlabs to conduct a search of our systems and will respond within 30 days.

Please note that we may not be able to provide personal information to an individual from our records if doing so would violate the privacy of another person, it is subject to legal privilege, contains information proprietary to Kintec Footlabs or it cannot be disclosed for other legal reasons.

If we are unable to provide access to all or part of an individual’s personal information, we will explain our reasons for such decision.

Contacting Us

If a client has questions, concerns or complaints about their privacy or Kintec’s use of personal information they may contact us at the address below. We will be sure to listen to their question, comment or complaint and work with them to find an acceptable outcome. If a complaint is found to be justified appropriate measures will be taken including, in necessary, amending our practices and procedures.

Privacy Office
Kintec Footlabs
13465 King George Blvd
Surrey BC V3T 2T8
[email protected]

This privacy policy explains Kintec Footlabs Limited (Kintec) collects, uses, and discloses personal information about its customers and other individuals, and provides other information regarding our policies and practices regarding collection, use, storage, and disclosure and personal information.


What personal information does Kintec collect?

The types of personal information we collect will depend on the type of product or service purchased by you. Generally, we keep a record of one or more of the following types of information: Information that identifies you, such as your name, address, email address, occupation, telephone, date of birth, language preference and other information provided by you We do may actively seek to collect personal information (for example, health information) only if it is necessary for our business purposes. Generally, we only collect your personal information directly from you, unless it is not reasonable or practical for us to do so. Sometimes, we act as an agent for others when collecting personal information about you, such as extended medical insurance companies or government entities only in the context for getting pre-approval on payment for products (if applicable). We advise you when we do this.

How may Kintec use your personal information?

We use your personal information for our various departments to identify and contact you for appointment reminders, product expiration dates, promotional offers, etc. fulfill additional purposes that are identified when the personal information is collected, including purposes identified in application forms, web pages, or other documents provided to you.

How may Kintec disclose your personal information?

Sometimes, the law requires us to give out information about you, such as, a court if we were ordered to do so under a subpoena. Depending on the product or service that we provide to you, we may also disclose your personal information to: government agencies or extended medical insurance providers such as for registration or validation purposes.


Consent requirements vary depending upon circumstances and upon the type of personal information that is to be collected, used or disclosed. In determining whether your consent is required and, if so, which form of consent is appropriate, we will take into account both the sensitivity of the personal information at issue and the purposes for which we will use the information. Consent may be expressed, implied (including through use of “opt-out” consent where appropriate), or deemed by law. For example, if you request information about a product and provide us with your contact information, your consent to use the contact information to send you product information is implied. If you wish to revoke your consent to collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, please contact our Chief Privacy Officer, whose contact information is provided below.

How does Kintec protect the security of your personal information?

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. For example, your personal information is stored in secured office premises or an off-site data centre and in electronic databases requiring logins and passwords for access. Information access is restricted to employees whose job purpose reasonably requires access, and we require all employees to maintain the confidentiality of personal information. We use secure methods to destroy or de-identify any personal information, provided the information is no longer needed by us for any purpose and provided the destruction is permitted by law.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may amend this privacy policy from time to time. Where appropriate, we will notify you in advance of changes to our privacy policy. Also, this privacy policy may be supplemented or modified by additional terms between Kintec and you.

Opting out of promotional communications

If you no longer wish to receive promotional information from the Kintec Footlabs Ltd please click on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the e-mail message you have received. You may also contact our office administrator at the Kintec head office directly at 604-634-3338 to opt out of future promotional communications.

Correction of your personal information

We strive to ensure that all your personal information collected, used or disclosed is accurate, complete and up to date as is appropriate in the circumstances. You must promptly notify us in writing if there are any changes to your personal information. If you believe that your personal information, held by Kintec, is incorrect or out of date, please contact our Chief Privacy Officer, whose contact information is provided below.

Questions or Complaints

We will try our best to answer any questions you may have, correct any error(s) on our part or resolve any complaint that you may have about our personal information handling practices. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy or our personal information handling practices, please contact our Chief Privacy Officer, whose contact information is provided below.

  • Kintec: Footwear + Orthotics
  • Chief Privacy Officer
  • 13465 King George Blvd
  • Surrey, BC, V3T 2T8
  • Telephone: (604) 634-3338
  • Facsimile: (604) 604-3339
  • Email: privacy (@) kintec.net