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What’s So Good About the Edmonton Marathon?

What’s So Good About the Edmonton Marathon?

Dear Susan,

You may ask, “What’s so good about the Edmonton Marathon?” Let me tell you what I think…

  • The course is flat and fast.  (I’ve discovered the flat part and I am working on discovering the fast part)
  • While you are at the event you feel like you are surrounded by an inspiring group of thoroughbreds.  (In fact, you are as the Canadian Derby is held the day before the marathon)
  • You get the privilege of running down car-less downtown Edmonton streets.  (You may be lucky enough to see several cars being towed)
  • It’s in Alberta.  (Since it is your home province, as well as mine, sort of)
  • On the eve of the marathon you can be inspired by watching the runners in the 5K and 10K events.  (Did you know that a lady pushing a stroller finished fifth overall in the 5K this year?)
  • A calm and comfortable half-marathoner who just may be a good friend (and great runner) from the Broadway Run Club might slow his pace in the final 2K of his race just so that he can talk to you while you are struggling to get marathoning.  This calm half-marathoner who may be named Brian Wynhoven may go on to finish his race a mere six seconds over eighty minutes when he clearly spent a lot more than six seconds chatting with you.  (Can you believe it?  This exact scenario happened to me!)
  • There is a better-than-Stampede-breakfast for all runners at the end of the race.  (Edmonton ALWAYS does things better than Calgary, don’t you think?)
  • Edmonton was recently named the Murder Capital of Canada.  (So, naturally you want to run fast)
  • In Edmonton you can run in a straight line for a very very long time.  (I guess that can be said for most of the Prairies)
  • Pirohi and Holubtsi.  (The best perogies and cabbage rolls outside of Kiev are found in Edmonton.  Mrs. Cherniwchan’s are clearly the best of them all)
  • You can run 3:03:29 and still finish in the top 25.  (Although I do not know who would want to do such a thing)
  • You can have a great time at a superbly organized event in a wonderful city that has many many generous, gracious, kind, and authentic citizens.  (Edmonton really is a city made great by its fine people)

Well, Susan, that’s what I think.  Mark this one down on your calendar.



Special thanks to Ryne Melcher and Kintec, Mizuno, the Canadian Derby Edmonton Marathon organizers and volunteers and all of the athletes who participated in the Edmonton Marathon this year.

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