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The Reckoning

The Reckoning

'The Reckoning', by Dr. Kevin Lunnie

There comes a stage in every athlete’s life when the reckoning arrives. It is when you don’t recognize the times or results in front of you as you’re own. When the intensity of your effort has you running for the Imodium® and forgoing any thoughts of the podium on that particular day…it’s time for an honest look in the mirror. Many instances in life don’t enable us to devote as much time to working out as we would like. Whether it is career, children, or simply even age, at some point in your existence it becomes less about you. Usually however, these are positive changes in life that enrich our existence. Nonetheless, training may fall by the wayside. Here are some quick tips that you can use to make the fall from grace less severe and make the most of your exercise stints:

  • Protect Training Time
  • Quality Training Sessions
  • Re-Evaluate Expectations


Guard Your Training Time Like Your First-Born

Don’t let anything interrupt that conditioning bout…unless perhaps it is your first-born. Bargain/bribe/buy kid-free training time if you can make it up later. Schedule early morning or even late-night training sessions. Convince your partner/family/boss that you’re a much nicer, more productive person to be around if you’ve fit your physical activity in that day.

Maximize Your Efforts

Make sure every moment is best used with no wasted time. Schedule polished workouts that focus on technique and intensity. Spin classes or tempo workouts on the track are a good example of quality when quantity isn’t an option. A quick yet effective bout of exercise is better than none at all.

Review Your Targets

Rather than time or result-based goals, focus on feeling good during the entire competition, staying injury free during training, and building on the fitness gained in one competition to use as your training foundation for the next.

Dr. Kevin Lunnie is an ART® certified Chiropractor at Trailside Physio and avid runner/mountain biker, when the stars align perfectly.

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