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Sun Run Fun

Sun Run Fun

First race of the year and very exciting as I love the Sun Run.  How many other races have almost 50,000 people taking part – not too many.  It’s just amazing to look up Georgia and see all the people waiting to run/walk/stroll through 10k – running for a great time, 500-201 for fun, for achievement, with friends, colleagues and family.

I last ran the Sun Run 3 years ago in my first sub 40 min 10k in a time of 39.49 (not too much to spare).  I went out way to fast and struggled from 5k onwards – in fact (bar a couple of marathons), it was one of the hardest races I have ever ran.  So, although nowhere near fit enough for sub 40 I was determined not to go out too fast which due to the downhill start and large crowds is very easy to do.

My goal was 42mins or thereabouts so although my first couple of k’s were a little quick I soon settled into a nice steady pace that felt taxing but good.  I hit Burrard Bridge and the 5k mark in 21mins and felt strong.  It was a perfect day for running – cloudy, cool and a little wind in parts (but due to lots of other runners around me I didn’t feel it too much).  I crossed the line in 42.05 (chip time 820-421 ) and was more than happy with my time.  I think it helped that as I was under no pressure to PB (or even come close) and I just had to use this race as a welcome back to racing and running (so great to be back at it after 2 months of no running in Jan and Feb).

It was great to have lots of people as always out there cheering you on – thanks to everyone I knew and to the thousands I didn’t.  One of my club mates, Angela said I had the biggest smile on my face every time she saw me (whizzing around on her bike to catch us at a couple of sports).  That says it all really – very, very happy to be back racing amongst some of the amazing athletes in my club, VFAC, and every other runner who took part.

Now, just looking forward to getting those times down and taking in a few more races.

Thanks to Kintec, Assics, Sundog, Brooks and Ultra Aspire


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