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Scenic Racing – Coho 14k

Scenic Racing – Coho 14k

A complete change from the wet and cold weather for this race last year – it was an awesome September Day for the beautiful Coho Run.

This incredible point to point 14 km journey starts from Kitsilano Beach, takes you through Vanier Park along the seawall, then over the Burrard Street Bridge along the English Bay seawall to Second Beach in Stanley Park, and finally, over the Lion’s Gate Bridge and into Ambleside Beach Park to the birthplace of the North Shore Coho salmon.

A lovely couple of k along by the water in Kits for a fairly flat start before running up and over the Burrard Bridge which isn’t too tough this early in a race (unlike when its at 18k in the Scotia Half!).  I knew within a few K I wasn’t going to have a great race today but I’ve been having some issues with my foot so no point pushing too hard until it’s fully fit (or rather until I’m fully fit).

Then along the seawall for a few k passing lots of Sunday morning runners – lots of them cheering us on which is always nice.  Then the Merilees trail upto Prospect Point – it’s a pretty steep one so always going to be tough.  Resisting the temptation to walk (it’s steep but not too long) I was soon over the steepest section with a nice little downhill and flat section with enough time to get my breath back before the next small uphill.  It also keeps you going to know that once you make it to Prospect you’ve cracked the hard part and it’s all pretty much downhill/flat from here.

Nice to see some of my running buddies out there cheering us on and shouting encouragement.  Then, to my favourite part of the race – crossing the Lions gate – I absolutely love, love, love running over this bridge (well, towards West Van anyways!).  The view is incredible, especially on a day like today and that lovely, long downhill is just a pleasure to run.   Then 2 more K and into Ambleside Beach Park and the finish line.

I was 3 mins 21 seconds slower than last year but it’s a beautiful run so I’m glad I took part.  I still managed to place 3rd in my age group and won a pair of socks so that’s good.  My club running buddies all had great races today – well done to Susie, Ynuk, Tim, Barry and David – you guys all ran an awesome race today.

The race is part of the Coho Festival so it was great to be treated to pancakes and maple syrup post-race, some great live music and a free beer in a beautiful spot overlooking the water.  Thanks to North Shore Athletics and the Coho Society for a great event.  I will be back next year.

As always thanks to Kintec and New Balance.

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