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Running the BMO Half Marathon

Running the BMO Half Marathon

In 2004, I had an epiphany about the goodness inherent in running and registered to run in the Vancouver Marathon.

I had never run a marathon before, but I knew that I liked running simply for the sake of running. After running the marathon — and enduring more hopeless feelings and suffering thoughts than I had wanted — I remember saying, “Well, that’s it! I am never ever doing that again!”

Running a marathon is challenging, but I am sure that you don’t need me to tell you that. Training to run a marathon is even more challenging. Maybe you need me to tell you that. Back in 2004, when I said I would never run another marathon again I think I was really saying, “I am never going to waste so much of my valuable life time training to run a marathon.” I mean, I like running, but I also like life! Hey, I want to live life — not just run.

Mike Palichuk at the BMO Marathon

In 2005, I trained and ran the Vancouver Marathon. And again in 2006. And in 2007. 2008 too. Yep, 2009. 2010, 2011 and 2012. I discovered that training to run a marathon defined life for me. Anyway, I guess I am trying to tell you that I really love the Vancouver Marathon! There was a time when I needed to run it every year. Not the Half or the 8K – the Marathon! Well, that feeling was sort of stopped in 2013 by an injury. Oh, those injuries!

But wait! As all of us know, injuries are temporary. Being a runner is not! So, in 2016, I ventured out onto the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon course for the very first time. Here is my 10-point thought process of the whole experience:

  1. After some responsible reflection, I accepted the opportunity to run the Vancouver Half Marathon representing the Kintec Race Team
  2. I began training by commuting short distances (5.1 km) to work in the morning and sometimes running longer on the way home.
  3. I rallied my work colleagues to join me in the Vancouver Sun Run – and it worked! We formed a corporate team.
  4. We trained together as a running group of work colleagues.
  5. I began my normal routine of being the run coach for the Langley Kintec Beginners’ 5km/10km running clinic. Our group ran together Thursdays nights.
  6. January, February, March, and April came and went and I never really ran a focused tempo run. Mostly I ran slowly (about 5 min kms +/- 15 or 20 seconds) and relatively stress-free.
  7. The Sun Run happened. My work colleagues had a fantastic experience and although most of them initially considered themselves non-runners they all do consider themselves runners now.
  8. The arrival of nicer weather coerced me onto my road bike for weekly hammer sessions with my cycling club, United Velo.
  9. I cycled more and ran less – and felt guilty.
  10. May 2nd arrived and the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon faced me. I ran it at a 4:00 km pace for a 1hr 24 min effort and had fun.

Running is fun. Training is even more fun, and it doesn’t always involve the run. Stay healthy and wise folks! See you out on the roads or trails. Thank you Kintec for all the support!

Mike Palichuk
Kintec Race Team Member

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