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Rock ‘n Roll – The Ultimate Goal

Rock ‘n Roll – The Ultimate Goal

Always looking for a way to add to the medal collection and run in some different locations ( and maybe do some shopping along the way!), Andrea ( run buddy extraordinaire ) and I decided to run three half marathons in 2014.  All are part of the Rock ‘n Roll series and by completing 3 events we receive seven, count ’em , 7 medals!


Portland in May was the location of half #1- great city, great shopping, great beer (after the run, of course!) Andrea decided she was going for a PB, so I knew well ahead of time I would be solo for the run. We got wet waiting for the start which is never a great beginning. Andrea took off and by about km 5, I knew it was not going to be my best run.

Never seemed to settle into a rhythm and the lure of turning off the course for the 10 k event finish was very strong. I persevered, the lure of the finisher’s medal was stronger!

I plodded along, not in the very back pack of runners, but struggling nonetheless. Some sun was seen and the course was very scenic, but by the time I finished, I was completely done! Proud, but done! Epic rain poured down on us as we walked back to the hotel and it continued for the day. We all know Vancouver rain? Well, this was like nothing I had ever seen and I was really glad the run was over!

Seattle, June, half #2-  The runner’s expo for this event was great.  Brooks is a major sponsor and there was a  bunch of activities, including riding the shoe…I just sat on it , not wanting to risk injury of any kind, and most of all, not wanting to look like a 52-year-old fool! Vacation time, colds for both of us and a lack of training made Seattle …interesting.

We decided to have fun and accept that our finishing time would NOT be on for the record books! What a beautiful course! We enjoyed the various musical groups along the way ( part of the Rock ‘n Roll experience) and just went with the flow. The medals were neat and we were happy at the end of it all.

Vancouver, October training starts in earnest next week and I am sure it will be great!  I will keep you posted!

Laura Olson
Kintec Race Team

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