1. Visit intrahealth.com/downloads
2. Search kintec under ‘Document Title’
3. Download the form and follow the instructions on the screen to import to your EMR
Any questions? Call Intrahealth’s Help Line directly at: 1-800-708-6442
*For instructions on how to import onto Profile/Intrahealth, visit intrahealth.com/downloads and select “importing and exporting jaffa files documentation on the self service centre”
Jaffa files allow for objects such as Templates, Service Codes, and Care Plans to be imported into a database. They are denoted with the file extension .jfa.
1. Go to Organization/Import & Export/Import Jaffa File
2. Locate and select the file and OPEN it.
3. You can choose to Show Successes and/or Show Warnings. It is recommended to have successes turned OFF and warnings turned ON. START the import.**
4. You will see a log of the import procedure once it completes. Verify in the Description column that there are no errors.
TIP: If you have multiple jaffa files to import, put them in a folder and use the Import Jaffa folder option. **If this doesn’t work, go to the top of the menu bar to the heading: Maintain > select Templates > Documents > select the file > click START.
Exporting objects as jaffa files allows them to be imported into other databases.
1. Some areas in Profile, such as Document Templates, Typing Templates, Macros and Care Plans, allow for exporting directly from their respective areas. Use the EXPORT button on the toolbar.
2. Other objects, such as Forms, are exported from Organization/Import & Export/General.
Download the zip file of the Kintec referral form:
There are two ways of adding new eForms into your OSCAR and there are also ways for you to share your eForms with other OSCAR users. The first thing you need to know is that all eForms are made up of a web file (usually called an html file – because it is written in html or hypertext mark-up language) with or without one or more image or other type of files.
Some preparation is required before uploading an eForm. In OSCAR, each eForm is identified by a Form name and Additional information. For most users, you may have most likely obtained an eForm from the oscarcanada.org resource site which is typically made up of the html file and an image file (png). Oscar requires both the png as well as the html format to be uploaded for the form to work. A simpler way to add an eForm is to obtain the “zip” file of the eForm. A zip file is a compressed file containing the html and any additional files plus the Form Name and any Additional Information – all in one package!
NOTE: When on the OCUS site, choose the BC eForms to download.
** Administrative privileges required to perform this task.
1. Under eFrom subheading, choose Upload an eForm
Exporting objects as jaffa files allows them to be imported into other databases.
1. Some areas in Profile, such as Document Templates, Typing Templates, Macros and Care Plans, allow for exporting directly from their respective areas. Use the EXPORT button on the toolbar.
2. Other objects, such as Forms, are exported from Organization/Import & Export/General.
Utilities > Store > Search “Kintec Rx Pad Web” > Click Install twice *OPTIONAL – Click Additional Settings to file under category > Click Install
If you experience any difficulties, please contact Plexia directly at www.plexia.ca | P: 604-269-3733 | F: 604-568-8233
Search “Kintec”
If you experience any difficulties, please contact Med Access directly at www.telushealth.co | P: 1-888-781-5553, option 1